Source code for dbxml2rst.hooks

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
# pylint: disable=C0103,R0912,R0914,R0915


    Hooks used by the dbxml2rst library

    :copyright:  Copyright (C) 2017  Markus Heiser
    :license:    GPL V3.0, see LICENSE for details.

# ==============================================================================
# imports
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from fspath import FSPath
from .nodes import XMLTag, Table

# ==============================================================================
# constants
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RESOUCE_FORMAT = "%s_files"

# ==============================================================================
[docs]def hook_copy_file_resource(srcFolder): # ============================================================================== srcFolder = FSPath(srcFolder) def hookFunc(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613 # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node # are there any filerefs in? filerefList = node.findall(".//*[@fileref]") if not filerefList: return node thisFile = FSPath(parseData.fname) bookBase = FSPath(parseData.folder) bookOffset = thisFile.DIRNAME resFolder = FSPath(RESOUCE_FORMAT % thisFile.BASENAME.SKIPSUFFIX) dstFolder = bookBase / bookOffset / resFolder dstFolder.makedirs() for tag in filerefList: fileref = FSPath(tag.get("fileref")).BASENAME src = next(srcFolder.reMatchFind(fileref), None) if src is None: raise Exception("fileref: %s could not found in %s" % (fileref, srcFolder)) src.copyfile(dstFolder) tag.set("fileref", resFolder / fileref ) #SDK.CONSOLE() return node return hookFunc
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[docs]def hook_chunk_by_tag(*chunkPathes): # ============================================================================== u""" Chunk DocBook XML document into XML fragments. Requirement for the division is an ID (e.g. ``<chapter id="intro" ...``) """ chunkPathes = chunkPathes def hookFunc(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613 # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node realNode = node if (node.tag == "dummy" and len(node) == 1 and node[0].get("chunkNode") is not None): realNode = node[0] for tag in chunkPathes: # pylint: disable=R0204 chunkNodes = realNode.findall("%s" % tag) for elem in chunkNodes: if elem.get("chunkNode") is not None: continue ID = elem.get("id") if ID is None: # generate unique ID by counting preceding siblings on any # hierarchy level. _p = elem ID = [] while _p is not None: if _p.tag == "dummy": break ID.insert(0, len(list(_p.itersiblings(preceding=True)))) _p = _p.getparent() ID = "-".join(["%03d" % x for x in ID]) ID = "%s-%s" % (parseData.fname.BASENAME.SKIPSUFFIX, ID) ext_entity = parseData.fname.DIRNAME / ("%s.xml" % ID) XMLTag.chunkNode( elem , parseData.folder , ext_entity.suffix(parseData.fname.SUFFIX)) if len(chunkNodes): break return node return hookFunc
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[docs]def hook_html2db_table(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613 # ============================================================================== u"""This hook converts a HTML table to a DocBook table This is done by simply change ``<tr>`` and ``<td>`` (``<th>``) tags to ``<row>`` and ``<entry>`` tags """ # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node for elem in node.findall(".//tr"): newNode = XMLTag.copyNode(elem, "row", moveID=True) XMLTag.replaceNode(elem, newNode) for elem in node.findall(".//th") + node.findall(".//td"): newNode = XMLTag.copyNode(elem, "entry", moveID=True) XMLTag.replaceNode(elem, newNode) return node
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[docs]def hook_fix_broken_tables(fname_list=None, id_list=None): # ============================================================================== u"""This hooks add missing colspecs to the *broken* table. A complete colspec definition is needed by pandoc, otherwise the build of the ASCII-art table fails within pandoc.""" fname_list = fname_list or [] id_list = id_list or [] def hookFunc(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613, R0912 if node.tag != "table": return node fname = parseData.folder.BASENAME / parseData.fname.SKIPSUFFIX if (node.get("id") not in id_list and fname not in fname_list): return node table = node tgroup = table.find("tgroup") cols = int(tgroup.get("cols")) thead = tgroup.find("thead") tbody = tgroup.find("tbody") if thead is not None: # is there any row in the header with more entries as defined cols? for row in thead.findall("row"): entries = row.findall("entry") if len(entries) > cols: cols = len(entries) tgroup.set("cols", str(cols)) for row in tbody.findall("row"): # is there any row in the body with more entries as defined cols? entries = row.findall("entry") if len(entries) > cols: cols = len(entries) tgroup.set("cols", str(cols)) if thead is not None: # add missing entries to header rows for row in thead.findall("row"): entries = row.findall("entry") if len(entries) < cols: for _x in range(cols - len(entries)): row.append(node.makeelement("entry")) # add missing entries to body rows for row in tbody.findall("row"): entries = row.findall("entry") if len(entries) < cols: for _x in range(cols - len(entries)): row.append(node.makeelement("entry")) return node return hookFunc
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[docs]def hook_replaceTag(id2TagMap): # ============================================================================== id2TagMap = id2TagMap def hookFunc(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613 # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node for ID, newTag in id2TagMap.items(): elem = node.find(".//*[@id='%s']" % ID) if elem is not None: newNode = XMLTag.copyNode(elem, newTag, moveID=True) XMLTag.replaceNode(elem, newNode) return node return hookFunc
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[docs]def hook_drop_usless_informaltables(node, _rstPrefix, _parseData): # ============================================================================== u"""Hook to convert useless informatables to (e.g) paragraphs""" # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node for table in node.findall(".//informaltable"): tbody = table.find(".//tbody") max_cols = 0 for row in tbody.findall(".//row"): c = len(row.findall(".//entry")) if c > max_cols: max_cols = c section = node.makeelement("section") if max_cols < 2: for entry in tbody.find(".//entry"): para = XMLTag.copyNode(entry, "para", moveID=True) section.append(para) XMLTag.replaceNode(table, section) return node
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[docs]def hook_flatten_tables(table_id_list="all"): # ============================================================================== u"""Hook to convert tables into a double-stage list. This hook converts a tables (by id or "all") into the ``flat-table`` directive""" table_id_list = table_id_list def hookFunc(node, rstPrefix, parseData): # pylint: disable=W0613 # run this hook only on the root node if node.getparent() is not None: return node for table in node.findall(".//table") + node.findall(".//informaltable"): if (table_id_list == "all" or table.get("id") in table_id_list): # seek column widths and col-spans from DocBook is the hell, # particularly there are <entrytbl> which left up to the outer # table and broken colspec definitions which has not been # rejected by the docbook toolchains. These colspecs must be # *repaired* in any matter. colspec = {} colspecByNumber = {} for colspec_count, c in enumerate(table.findall(".//colspec")): colnum = c.get("colnum") if colnum is not None: try: colnum = int(colnum) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 pass if colnum is None: colnum = colspec_count colname = c.get("colname") if colname is None: colname = "" align = c.get("align") colwidth = c.get("colwidth") if colwidth is not None: colwidth = colwidth.replace("*","") # some colspec definition use the "&#x22C6;" entity colwidth = colwidth.replace(u"⋆", "") try: colwidth = int(colwidth) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 colwidth = None colspec[colname] = (colnum, align, colwidth ) colspecByNumber[colnum] = (colname, align, colwidth) spanspec = {} for item in table.findall(".//spanspec"): spanname = item.get("spanname") namest = item.get("namest") nameend = item.get("nameend") if spanname is None or namest is None or nameend is None: continue start = colspec.get(namest, [None, None,None])[0] end = colspec.get(nameend, [None, None,None])[0] if start is None or end is None: continue spanspec[spanname] = end - start # convert table to double-stage list max_cols = 0 row_count = 0 flatTable = node.makeelement("itemizedlist") # eat all rows, include the rows from entrytbl for row in table.findall(".//row"): row_count += 1 flatRow = node.makeelement("listitem") row_id = row.get("id") if row_id: flatRow.text = ".. _`%s`:" % row_id else: flatRow.text = ".. table row" #flatRow.text = ".. row %s" % row_count flatTable.append(flatRow) colList = node.makeelement("itemizedlist") flatRow.append(colList) col_count = 0 for entry in row.findall(".//entry"): col_count += 1 cspan = spanspec.get(entry.get("spanname"), 0) if cspan == 0: # the colspan attribut comes from tables which has # been converted from html (see hook_html2db_table) cspan = int(entry.get("colspan", 1)) - 1 newCol = node.makeelement("listitem") # a ID in a cell needs some extras cell_id = entry.get("id") if cell_id is not None: del entry.attrib["id"] para_id= node.makeelement("para") para_id.text = (".. _`%s`:\n\n" % cell_id) newCol.append(para_id) # move content of entry to a para and insert # rat-spanning markup para = XMLTag.copyNode(entry, "para", moveID=False) if cspan: para.text = (":cspan:`%s` " % cspan) + (para.text or "") col_count += cspan morerows = entry.get("morerows", 0) if morerows == 0: # the rowspan attribut comes from tables which has # been converted from html (see hook_html2db_table) morerows = int(entry.get("rowspan", 1)) -1 if morerows: para.text = (":rspan:`%s` " % morerows) + (para.text or "") newCol.append(para) colList.append(newCol) if col_count > max_cols: max_cols = col_count # estimate colwidths widths = [] for i in range(max_cols): colname, align, colwidth = colspecByNumber.get(i, (None, None, None)) if colwidth is None: colwidth = 1 widths.append(str(colwidth)) # use widths only when they are meaningful useWidth = False for w in widths: if w != widths[0]: useWidth = True break if len(colspec) > max_cols: # The colspec definition has more entries than columns # existing in the table definition. This indicates, that the # colspec definition is buggy. I don't use width definitions # from buggy colspecs useWidth = False # insert prefix ctx = Table().getContext(table) ctx.header_rows = len(table.findall(".//thead/row") or []) ctx.stub_columns = 1 if table.get("rowheader") == "firstcol" else 0 ctx.widths = " ".join(widths) preText = "\n" if not ctx.ID else Table.rstAnchor preText += "\n.. flat-table::%(title)s" preText += "\n :header-rows: %(header_rows)s" preText += "\n :stub-columns: %(stub_columns)s" if useWidth: preText += "\n :widths: %(widths)s" preText += "\n " preText += "\n%(tableStartMark)s" new = XMLTag.getInjBlockTag() new.text += preText % ctx table.addprevious(new) # insert postfix rstPostText = "\n%(tableEndMark)s\n" new = XMLTag.getInjBlockTag() new.text += rstPostText % ctx table.addnext(new) # replace table XMLTag.replaceNode(table, flatTable) return node return hookFunc