Source code for dbxml2rst.nodes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
# pylint: disable=C0103,C0321,R0912,R0914,R0915
# disable fixme-warnings:
# pylint: disable=W0511


    Library with XML-filters to convert DocBook-XML to reST

    :copyright:  Copyright (C) 2017  Markus Heiser
    :license:    GPL V3.0, see LICENSE for details.

# ==============================================================================
# imports
# ==============================================================================

import re
from html.parser import HTMLParser # pylint: disable=F0401
from lxml import etree

from fspath import FSPath

from .helper import Container
from .helper import LOG

INT_ENTITES = Container()
INT_ENTITES["nbsp"] = r" "
for x in ["frac12", "frac13", "frac14", "times", "copy", "hellip", "le", "ge"
          , "sub", "sup", "micro", "plusmn", "mdash", "alpha", "num", "ndash" ]:
    INT_ENTITES[x] = HTMLParser().unescape("&%s;" % x)

# ==============================================================================
[docs]def filterXML( folder, inFile, outFile , xmlFilter , parseIncludes = False , fragTag = None, ID = None ): # ============================================================================== u"""Replace some xml-Markups with reST literals.""" folder = FSPath(folder) outFile = FSPath(outFile) xmlFilter.parseData.update( outFile = outFile , parseIncludes = parseIncludes ) rootNode = xmlFilter.parseFile(folder, inFile, fragTag=fragTag, ID=ID) xmlFilter.walk(rootNode) with (folder / outFile).openTextFile("w") as out: out.write( # pylint: disable=E1101 etree.tostring(rootNode, encoding='unicode') )
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def subTemplate(inFile, outFile): # ============================================================================== u"""Substitude kenerle-doc place holder in docbook.tmpl files.""" # detailed description see class ReSTTemplate tmpl_re = re.compile(r"^!([EIDFPC])([^\s]*)\s+(.*?)\s*$") tag_format = """<rstTemplate op="%s" fname="%s" args="%s"/>""" with inFile.openTextFile() as src, outFile.openTextFile("w") as dst: for _lineno, orig_line in enumerate(src): line = orig_line if tmpl_re.match(orig_line): match = tmpl_re.match(orig_line) op, fname, args = match.groups() line = tag_format % (op, fname, args) dst.write(line)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def subEntities(inFile, outFile, ext_entities, int_entities): # ============================================================================== u"""Substitude internal and external entities. :param str folder: Root-folder where conversion takes place. :param str inFile: Preprocess XML file. :param ext_entities: container with the external entities :type ext_entities: EntityContainer or None :param int_entities: container with the internal entities :type int_entities: EntityContainer or None External entities will be replaced by a ``<rstInclude fname='%s'/>`` tag. XMLTag.rstInclude_tag """ entity = re.compile(r'''&(?P<name>[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_-]+);''') with inFile.openTextFile() as src, outFile.openTextFile("w") as dst: for orig_line in src: line = orig_line # FIXME: pass "*" as &#x22C6; line = line.replace("*", "&#x22C6;") for match in entity.finditer(orig_line): name ='name') if int_entities: sub = int_entities.get(name, None) if sub: line = line.replace("&%s;" % name, sub) if ext_entities: sub = ext_entities.get(name, None) if sub is None: sub = ext_entities.get("chunk_" + name, None) if sub: line = line.replace( "&%s;" % name , "<%s fname='%s'/>" % (XMLTag.rstInclude_tag, sub)) # internal entities within internal entities .. grrr if int_entities: for match in entity.finditer(line): name ='name') sub = int_entities.get(name, None) if sub: line = line.replace("&%s;" % name, sub) # write to file dst.write(line)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class XMLTagType(type): # ============================================================================== typeList = dict() undifined = object() def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace): tag = namespace.get("tag", mcs.undifined) if name == "XMLTag": tag = None if tag == mcs.undifined: tag = name.lower() namespace["tag"] = tag cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) # tag = None --> marks intermediate classes if tag is not None: if mcs.typeList.get(cls.tag, mcs.undifined) != mcs.undifined: raise KeyError("tag <%s> allready defined in class %r" % (cls.tag, mcs.typeList[cls.tag])) mcs.typeList[cls.tag] = cls return cls
[docs] @classmethod def getClassByTag(mcs, tagName): return mcs.typeList.get(tagName, None)
[docs] @classmethod def getTagInstance(mcs, node, parseData): u"""Returns a XMLTag instance which fits to the tag or ``None``.""" xmlTag = None TagCls = mcs.getClassByTag(node.tag) if TagCls is not None: xmlTag = TagCls() xmlTag.parseData.update(parseData) return xmlTag
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class XMLTag(metaclass=XMLTagType): # ============================================================================== def __init__(self): super().__init__() # some metadata about the parsing process self.parseData = Container( # customers hooks to call first on every node hooks = [] # folder where the xml-file is located , folder = None # relativ pathname of the xml-file (relative to self.folder) , fname = None # rstInclude requires the outFile from it's parent, to guess the # filesuffix for the ouptut of the include files. , parseIncludes = False , outFile = None )
[docs] def walk(self, node, rstPrefix=""): u"""Walks through the node-tree and applies matching filters on each node.""" # First, call the hooks. Hooks might build a complete new subtree, they # have to return the node to walk on and this node might have a differnt # tag type! for func in self.parseData.hooks: node = func(node, rstPrefix, self.parseData) if node is None: raise Exception("hook %r doesn't return a xml node!'" % func) xmlTag = XMLTagType.getTagInstance(node, self.parseData) if xmlTag is not None: xmlTag.applyFilter(node, rstPrefix) if xmlTag.breakFlag: return self.walkChilds(node, rstPrefix + self.rstBlock)
[docs] def walkChilds(self, node, rstPrefix=""): for child in node.iterchildren(): self.walk(child, rstPrefix)
[docs] def parseFile(self, folder, fname, fragTag=None, ID=None): u"""Tries to parse the XML file with :py:mod:`lxml.etree`. A unknown entity within a xml (fragment) will cause an exception. In this case, run :py:func:`subEntities` first!""" self.parseData.update( # folder where the xml-file is located folder = folder # relativ pathname of the xml-file (relative to self.folder) , fname = fname ) preTag = "" postTag = "" if fragTag: preTag = u"<%s%s>" % (fragTag, ' id="%s"' % ID if ID is not None else "") postTag = u"</%s>" % fragTag fname = FSPath(folder / fname) xmlFlag = False rootNode = None with fname.openTextFile() as f: if f.readline().startswith("<?xml"): xmlFlag = True if xmlFlag: rootNode = etree.parse(fname).getroot() # pylint: disable=E1101 else: content = fname.readFile() rootNode = etree.fromstring( # pylint: disable=E1101 u"<dummy>" + preTag + content + postTag + u"</dummy>") return rootNode
[docs] @classmethod def insertAsRawHTML(cls, node): literal = etree.tostring(node, encoding="unicode") # pylint: disable=E1101 literal = literal.replace("\t","") literal = literal.strip() raw = "\n.. raw:: html\n%s\n\n" % cls.blockText(" ", literal) new = cls.getInjBlockTag() new.text += raw cls.replaceNode(node, new)
[docs] @classmethod def chunkNode(cls, node, folder, fname): # break recursion, from the caller if node.get("chunkNode") is not None: return node.set("chunkNode", "1") folder = FSPath(folder) fname = FSPath(fname) inclTag = node.makeelement(cls.rstInclude_tag) inclTag.set("fname", fname.suffix(".xml"))"INFO: create chunk %s" % (etree.tostring(inclTag, encoding="unicode"))) # pylint: disable=E1101 with (folder / fname).openTextFile("w") as out: out.write( # pylint: disable=E1101 etree.tostring(node, encoding='unicode') ) cls.replaceNode(node, inclTag)
# --------------- # nodes # ---------------
[docs] @classmethod def copyNode(cls, node, tag=None, moveID=False): tag = tag or node.tag new = node.makeelement(tag) new.text = node.text new.tail = node.tail new[:] = node for k,v in node.items(): new.set(k, v) if moveID: ID = node.get("id") if ID is not None: del node.attrib["id"] new.set("id", ID) return new
[docs] @classmethod def dropNode(cls, node): parent = node.getparent() if parent is not None: parent.remove(node) else: raise Exception("node %s is the root node / can't droped" % node)
[docs] @classmethod def replaceNode(cls, oldNode, newNode): parent = oldNode.getparent() if parent is not None: parent.replace(oldNode, newNode) else: Exception("node %s is the root node / can't replaced" % oldNode)
# The <programlisting> content will be passed through *as is* by pandoc # DocBook reader and can be handled in the pandoc filter. rstInjection_sig = "!ri!"
[docs] @classmethod def pandocFilter(cls, key, value, fmt, meta): # pylint: disable=W0613 if key == 'CodeBlock': # DocBook injection --> "programlisting" # -------------------------------------- txt = value[1] if txt.startswith(cls.rstInjection_sig): new = txt[len(cls.rstInjection_sig):] return {'t': 'Plain', 'c': [{'t': 'Str', 'c': new}]} if key == 'Code': # DocBook injection --> "code" # -------------------------------------- txt = value[1] if txt.startswith(cls.rstInjection_sig): new = txt[len(cls.rstInjection_sig):] return {'t': 'Str', 'c': new}
[docs] @classmethod def getInjInlineTag(cls): # pylint: disable=E1101 new = etree.Element("code") # pandoc --> "CodeBlock" new.text = cls.rstInjection_sig new.set("rstInjection", "1") return new
[docs] @classmethod def getInjBlockTag(cls): # pylint: disable=E1101 new = etree.Element("programlisting") # pandoc --> "Code" new.text = cls.rstInjection_sig new.set("rstInjection", "1") return new
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): if self.dropFlag: self.dropNode(node) return # injection is done as pandoc "Code" or "CodeBlock" def getInjTag(): if self.injBlock: new = self.getInjBlockTag() else: new = self.getInjInlineTag() return new preText = self.preText(node, rstPrefix) if preText: new = getInjTag() new.text += preText node.addprevious(new) postText = self.postText(node, rstPrefix) if postText: new = getInjTag() new.text += postText node.addnext(new) replaceText = self.replaceText(node, rstPrefix) if replaceText: new = getInjTag() new.text += replaceText new.tail = node.tail self.replaceNode(node, new)
# --------------- # reST # --------------- rstInclude_tag = "rstInclude" rstTemplate_tag = "rstTemplate"
[docs] @classmethod def normalizeID(cls, ID): # not needed, may be later #if ID is not None: # ID = ID.replace("-","_") return ID
[docs] @classmethod def getText(cls, *nodelist): u"""The text *as is* from ``node.itertext()``""" text = "" for node in nodelist: if node is not None: text += "".join([ txt for txt in node.itertext()]) retVal = None if text != "": retVal = text return retVal
[docs] @classmethod def getStripedText(cls, *nodelist): u"""The text from node.itertext() with reduced whitespaces""" text = cls.getText(*nodelist) if text is not None: return re.sub(r"\s+"," ", text).strip()
[docs] @classmethod def getFormatedTitle(cls, node, from_tag="title"): u"""title as one line, prefixed with py:attribute:`rstBlock`""" title = "" title_node = node.find(from_tag) if title_node is not None: title = cls.rstBlock + cls.getStripedText(title_node) return title
[docs] @classmethod def blockText(cls, prefix, text): u"""Adds ``prefix`` to lines from ``text``, deletes trailing whitespaces""" if text is None: return None text = text.strip("\n") retVal = "\n" for line in text.split("\n"): line = line.rstrip() if line: retVal += prefix + line retVal += "\n" return retVal + "\n\n"
# --------------- # Subclassing API # --------------- # xml tag-name e.g "section" tag = XMLTagType.undifined # inject rst as inline or as block injBlock = False # Tag-Filter breaks XML recursion breakFlag = False # Tag should be droped dropFlag = False # additional prefix for lines within *this* rst-Block rstBlock = "" rstAnchor = "\n.. _%(ID)s:\n" rstMarkup = None # pylint: disable=W0613
[docs] def getContext(self, node): return Container( ID = self.normalizeID(node.attrib.get('id')))
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): # pylint: disable=R0201 return None
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): # pylint: disable=R0201 return None
[docs] def postText(self, node, rstPrefix): # pylint: disable=R0201 return None
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class LinkTag(XMLTag): tag = None # ============================================================================== rstMarkup = ":ref:`%(text)s <%(linkend)s>`"
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.text = self.getStripedText(node) ctx.linkend = self.normalizeID(node.attrib.get("linkend")) return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = self.rstMarkup if not ctx.text: rst = ":ref:`%(linkend)s`" return rst % ctx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Xref(LinkTag): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ============================================================================== # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Constant(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # a inline literal should contain not any leading/trailing whitespace replaceTag = None
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): if self.replaceTag is not None: # Structure tags like <refsection> and <section> are simmular newNode = self.copyNode(node, self.replaceTag, moveID=True) self.breakFlag = True self.replaceNode(node, newNode) #SDK.CONSOLE() self.walk(newNode, rstPrefix) else: if not node.text or not node.text.strip(): # drop empty inline literals self.dropNode(node) self.breakFlag = True else: node.text = node.text.strip() super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix=self.rstBlock)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Property(Constant): replaceTag = "constant"
[docs]class Token(Constant): replaceTag = "constant"
[docs]class Filename(Constant): replaceTag = "constant"
[docs]class Varname(Constant): replaceTag = "constant"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Subtitle(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== breakFlag = True injBlock = True rstMarkup = "\n**%(title)s**\n\n"
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.title = self.getStripedText(node) return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): return self.rstMarkup % self.getContext(node)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class StructureTag(XMLTag): tag = None # ============================================================================== breakFlag = False injBlock = True rstPreMarkup = "\n.. _%(ID)s:\n" rstTitleMarkup = "=" replaceTag = None
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): if self.replaceTag is not None: # Structure tags like <refsection> and <section> are simmular newNode = self.copyNode(node, self.replaceTag, moveID=True) self.breakFlag = True self.replaceNode(node, newNode) #SDK.CONSOLE() self.walk(newNode, rstPrefix) else: # Structure tag resets the indentation rstPrefix super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix=self.rstBlock)
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.title = self.getFormatedTitle(node) return ctx
[docs] @classmethod def rstTitle(cls, title): return ("\n" + title + "\n" + (cls.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n\n")
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): #SDK.CONSOLE() rst = "" ctx = self.getContext(node) if ctx.ID is not None: rst += self.rstPreMarkup if ctx.title: rst += self.rstTitle(ctx.title) # drop no more needed child nodes! n = node.find("title") if n is not None: self.dropNode(n) #print("%r preText -->|%s|<--" % (node, (rst % ctx))) return rst % ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Section(StructureTag): # ============================================================================== rstTitleMarkup = "="
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): sectLevel = 0 parent = node.getparent() while parent is not None: if parent.tag in ["section",]: #SDK.CONSOLE() sectLevel += 1 parent = parent.getparent() self.rstTitleMarkup = '=-^"+'[sectLevel] super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix="")
[docs] def rstTitle(self, title): return ("\n" + title + "\n" + (self.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Appendix(StructureTag): replaceTag = "chapter"
[docs]class Bibliography(StructureTag): replaceTag = "chapter"
[docs]class Legalnotice(StructureTag): replaceTag = "section"
[docs]class Para(StructureTag): pass
[docs]class Sect1(StructureTag): replaceTag = "section"
[docs]class Sect2(StructureTag): replaceTag = "section"
[docs]class Sect3(StructureTag): replaceTag = "section"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Part(StructureTag): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rstTitleMarkup = "#"
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): partinfo = node.find("partinfo") if partinfo is not None: # move it to the end of the part chapter = self.copyNode(partinfo, "chapter", moveID=True) title = partinfo.makeelement("title") title.text = "Revision and Copyright" chapter.insert(0, title) node.append(chapter) node.remove(partinfo) super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
[docs] @classmethod def rstTitle(cls, title): return ("\n" + (cls.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n" + title + "\n" + (cls.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n\n")
[docs]class Bookinfo(StructureTag): replaceTag = "part"
[docs]class Setinfo(StructureTag): replaceTag = "part"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Chapter(StructureTag): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rstTitleMarkup = "*"
[docs] @classmethod def rstTitle(cls, title): return ("\n" + (cls.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n" + title + "\n" + (cls.rstTitleMarkup * len(title)) + "\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Preface(Chapter): rstTitleMarkup = "="
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Refentry(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== injBlock = True
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) refentrytitle = node.find("refmeta/refentrytitle") refname = node.find("refnamediv/refname") ID = refname.attrib.get('id') if ID: ctx.ID = self.normalizeID(ID) ctx.refname = self.getStripedText(refname) ctx.title = ctx.refname if refentrytitle is not None: ctx.title = self.getStripedText(refentrytitle) ctx.manvol = self.getStripedText(node.find("refmeta/manvolnum")) ctx.refmiscinfo = self.getStripedText(node.find("refmeta/refmiscinfo")) return ctx
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n" if not ctx.ID else self.rstAnchor if ctx.title: rst += Chapter.rstTitle(ctx.title) if ctx.refname: rst += "\n*man %(refname)s(%(manvol)s)*\n" if ctx.refmiscinfo: rst += "\n*%(refmiscinfo)s*\n" # drop no more needed child nodes! for p in ["refmeta/refentrytitle" , "refmeta/manvolnum" , "refmeta/refmiscinfo", "refnamediv/refname" ]: n = node.find(p) if n is not None: self.dropNode(n) return rst % ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Refsynopsisdiv(Section): # ==============================================================================
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.title = "Synopsis" return ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Refentryinfo(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # seems useless ... # # <refentryinfo> # <title>LINUX</title> # <productname>Kernel Hackers Manual</productname> # <date>April 2016</date> # </refentryinfo> dropFlag = True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Refsection(Section): replaceTag = "section"
[docs]class Refsect1(Sect1): pass
[docs]class Refsect2(Sect2): pass
[docs]class Refsect3(Sect3): pass
[docs]class Refpurpose(StructureTag): replaceTag = "para"
[docs]class Refnamediv(StructureTag): replaceTag = "section"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ============================================================================== # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Trademark(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== trademark = u"®"
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): node.text = node.text + self.trademark super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Code(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== breakFlag = False
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): # ignore injected rst-literals if node.get("rstInjection") is None: super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix) else: self.breakFlag = True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Computeroutput(Code): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class LiteralBlock(XMLTag): tag = None # ============================================================================== breakFlag = True rstBlock = " " injBlock = True language = "guess" rstMarkup = "\n::\n\n%(literal)s\n\n"
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.language = node.get("language") or self.language # FIXME: pass "*" as &#x22C6; text = self.getText(node).replace(u"⋆", "*") text = text.replace("&#x22C6;", "*") # comes from unnecessary ``<![CDATA[ ...`` usages ctx.literal = self.blockText(self.rstBlock, text).strip("\n") return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n" if not ctx.ID else self.rstAnchor rst += self.rstMarkup return rst % ctx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Literallayout(LiteralBlock): pass
[docs]class Screen(LiteralBlock): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Programlisting(LiteralBlock): # ============================================================================== # FIXME: einige <programlisting>'s sind ganze Dateien, sprich das # root-Element, das kann aber nicht so einfach ausgetauscht werden. language = "c" rstMarkup = """\ .. code-block:: %(language)s %(literal)s\n\n\n""" # pandocs eats some trailing newlines
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): # ignore injected rst-literals if node.get("rstInjection") is None: super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Funcsynopsisinfo(Programlisting): pass
[docs]class Synopsis(Programlisting): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Funcprototype(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== injBlock = True
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.funcdef = self.getStripedText(node.find("funcdef")) ctx.params = [] for paramdef in node.findall("paramdef"): ctx.params.append(self.getStripedText(paramdef).replace(u"⋆", "*")) return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n.. c:function::" rst += " %s" % ctx.funcdef rst += "( " + ", ".join(ctx.params) + " )" return rst
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Function(XMLTag): # ==============================================================================
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.func_call = self.getStripedText(node) if not ctx.func_call.endswith(")"): ctx.func_call += "()" return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = ":c:func:`%(func_call)s`" return rst % ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Structname(XMLTag): # ==============================================================================
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.struct_name = self.getStripedText(node) if not ctx.struct_name.startswith("struct"): ctx.struct_name = "struct " + ctx.struct_name return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = ":c:type:`%(struct_name)s`" return rst % ctx
[docs]class Structfield(Constant): replaceTag = "constant"
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Mediaobject(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== align = "center"
[docs] def getContext(self, node): img_files = [] align = self.align for imagedata in node.findall(".//imagedata"): img_files.append(FSPath(imagedata.attrib.get("fileref"))) if not align: align = imagedata.attrib.get("align") ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.img_files = img_files ctx.align = align ctx.glob = None if img_files: ctx.glob = FSPath(img_files[0]).suffix(".*") ctx.text = self.getStripedText(*node.findall(".//textobject")) return ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Figure(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== breakFlag = True injBlock = True rstBlock = " " rstMarkup = """ .. figure:: %(glob)s :alt: %(alt)s :align: %(align)s %(title)s """
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = Mediaobject().getContext(node) ctx.update(super().getContext(node)) ctx.alt = " / ".join([f.BASENAME for f in ctx.img_files]) ctx.title = self.getFormatedTitle(node) return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): # This implementation treats the time only figures with imagedata in. if node.findall(".//imagedata") is None: self.breakFlag = False return ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n" if not ctx.ID else self.rstAnchor rst += self.rstMarkup if ctx.text: ctx.text = self.blockText(self.rstBlock, ctx.text) rst += "%(text)s" rst += "\n\n" # pandocs eats some trailing newlines return rst % ctx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Informalfigure(Figure): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Table(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # pandoc doesn't render tables title and anchors well injBlock = True rstBlock = " " breakFlag = False tableStartMark = "-- table start markup --" tableEndMark = "-- table end markup --" rstPreText = """ .. table::%(title)s %(tableStartMark)s """ rstPostText = "\n%(tableEndMark)s\n"
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): if node.find("tbody/tr") is not None: self.insertAsRawHTML(node) self.breakFlag = True return node.set("pgwide", "1") self.assert_tgroup(node) super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.tableStartMark = self.tableStartMark ctx.tableEndMark = self.tableEndMark title_node = node.find("title") ctx.title = "" if title_node is not None: ctx.title = " " + self.getStripedText(title_node) return ctx
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n" if not ctx.ID else self.rstAnchor rst += self.rstPreText # drop no more needed child nodes! title_node = node.find("title") if title_node is not None: self.dropNode(title_node) return rst % ctx
[docs] def postText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) return self.rstPostText % ctx
[docs] @classmethod def assert_tgroup(cls, node): # To render the rst output well, pandoc requires a tgroup with col # definitions. tgroup = node.find("tgroup") if tgroup is None: tgroup = node.makeelement("tgroup") node.insert(0, tgroup) cols = len(node.find("tbody/row").findall("./entry")) tgroup.set("cols", str(cols)) w = 1 for c in range(1, cols+1): if cols < 3 or (cols + 1) == c: w += 1 colspec = node.makeelement("colspec") colspec.set("colname", "c%s" % c) colspec.set("colwidth", "%s*" % w) tgroup.append(colspec) tbody = node.find("tbody") tgroup.append(tbody) else: colspec_s = tgroup.findall("colspec") cols = len(colspec_s) c = w = 1 for colspec in colspec_s: c += 1 if colspec.get("colwidth") is None: if cols < 3 or (cols + 1) == c: w += 1 colspec.set("colwidth", "%s*" % w)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Informaltable(Table): # ============================================================================== injBlock = True breakFlag = False # Informaltable within media DocBook are often used to draw a border around # a paragraph. This breaks the separation of *presentation from content*.
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): tgroup = node.find("tgroup") cols = int(tgroup.attrib.get("cols")) if cols == 1: self.dropUselessTable(node, rstPrefix) else: super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
[docs] def dropUselessTable(self, node, rstPrefix): self.breakFlag = True etree.strip_tags(node, "tgroup", "tbody", "row", "entry") # pylint: disable=E1101 section = self.copyNode(node, "section", moveID=True) self.replaceNode(node, section) self.walk(section, rstPrefix + self.rstBlock)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Tgroup(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== injBlock = True breakFlag = False # There is a entity within the media_api.xml: # # <!ENTITY cs-def "<colspec colname='c1' colwidth='3*' /> \ # <colspec colname='c2' colwidth='1*' /> \ # <colspec colname='c3' colwidth='4*' /> \ # <spanspec spanname='hspan' namest='c1' nameend='c3' />"> # # This cs-def entity defines 3 columns, but it is partial used in tables # with 2 columns, which is mistakeable / e.g.: frontend_legacy_api.p1_xml the # # <table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="fe-bandwidth"> # <title>enum fe_bandwidth</title> # <tgroup cols="2"> <!-- TWO cols !!! --> # &cs-def; <!-- THREE cols !!! -->
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): self.repairTableDef(node, rstPrefix) super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
[docs] @classmethod def repairTableDef(cls, node, rstPrefix): # pylint: disable=W0613 cols = int(node.attrib.get("cols")) colspec_cols = len(node.findall("colspec")) if cols != colspec_cols: for colspec in node.iterchildren("colspec"): node.remove(colspec) for spanspec in node.iterchildren("spanspec"): node.remove(spanspec) cols = len(node.find("tbody/row").findall("./entry")) node.set("cols", str(cols)) for c in range(cols): colspec = node.makeelement("colspec") colspec.set("colname", "c%s" % c) colspec.set("colwidth", "1*") node.insert(c, colspec)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Entrytbl(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # flatten these braindead inner-tables breakFlag = True
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): newEntry = node.makeelement("entry") for subEntry in node.findall(".//entry"): para = self.copyNode(subEntry, "para", moveID=True) newEntry.append(para) #SDK.CONSOLE() self.replaceNode(node, newEntry) self.walk(newEntry, rstPrefix + self.rstBlock)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Authorgroup(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== breakFlag = True injBlock = True
[docs] def getContext(self, node): # pylint: disable=R0204 ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.authorlist = [] for author in ( node.findall("author") + node.findall("corpauthor")): trademark = [] for tm in author.findall("trademark"): trademark.append(self.getStripedText(tm) + Trademark.trademark) trademark = ", ".join(trademark) corpauthor = trademark if author.tag == "corpauthor": corpauthor = self.getStripedText(author) + trademark a = Container( firstname = self.getStripedText(*author.findall("firstname")) or "" , surname = self.getStripedText(*author.findall("surname")) or "" , othername = self.getStripedText(*author.findall("othername")) or "" , affiliation = self.getStripedText(*author.findall("affiliation")) , corpauthor = corpauthor , contrib = self.getStripedText(*author.findall("contrib")) ) ctx.authorlist.append(a) return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "" if ctx.authorlist: for author in ctx.authorlist: r = "\n:author: " if author.surname: r += " %(surname)s" if author.firstname: r += " %(firstname)s" if author.othername: r += " (*%(othername)s*)" if author.corpauthor: r += " %(corpauthor)s" if author.affiliation: r += "\n:address: %(affiliation)s" if author.contrib: r += "\n:contrib: %(contrib)s" rst += r % author rst += "\n" return rst % ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Revremark(StructureTag): replaceTag = "para"
[docs]class Revision(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== injBlock = True rstBlock = " "
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix) self.walkChilds(node, rstPrefix + self.rstBlock)
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.revnumber = self.getStripedText(*node.findall("revnumber")) or "" = self.getStripedText(*node.findall("date")) or "" ctx.authorinitials = self.getStripedText(*node.findall("authorinitials")) return ctx
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n:revision: %(revnumber)s / %(date)s" if ctx.authorinitials: rst += " (*%(authorinitials)s*)" #rst += "\n:remark: %(revremark)s" rst += "\n\n\n" # drop no more needed child nodes! for p in ["revnumber", "date" ]: n = node.find(p) if n is not None: self.dropNode(n) return rst % ctx
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Biblioentry(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # DocBooks biblioentrie's are usually misapplied, e.g.:: # # <biblioentry id="cea608"> # <abbrev>CEA 608-E</abbrev> # <authorgroup> # <corpauthor>Consumer Electronics Association ...</corpauthor> # </authorgroup> # <title>CEA-608-E R-2014 "Line 21 Data Services"</title> # </biblioentry> # # The abbrev-Tag contains whitespaces which doesn't fits to common citation # reference conzept. Within old DocBook version they are refered by ID # (``<xref linkend="cea608"/>``) and note by ``<citation>CEA608E</citation>``. # # To solve this problem in multipart documents, more work is needed. This # here is just POV implementation. injBlock = True rstBlock = " "
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.abbrev = self.getStripedText(node.find("abbrev")) ctx.title = self.getStripedText(node.find("title")) ctx.subtitle = self.getStripedText(node.find("subtitle")) return ctx
[docs] def preText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = "\n" if not ctx.ID else self.rstAnchor if ctx.abbrev: rst += Section().rstTitle(ctx.abbrev) if ctx.title: rst += "\n:title: %(title)s" if ctx.subtitle: rst += "\n:subtitle: %(subtitle)s" # drop no more needed child nodes! for p in ["abbrev", "title", "subtitle" ]: n = node.find(p) if n is not None: self.dropNode(n) return rst % ctx
## ============================================================================== #class Example(Tag): ## ==============================================================================
[docs]class Informalexample(StructureTag): replaceTag = "para"
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class ReSTTemplate(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== # !E<filename> is replaced by the documentation, in <filename>, for # functions that are exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL: the function list is # collected from files listed in Documentation/DocBook/Makefile. # !I<filename> is replaced by the documentation for functions that are # _not_ exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL. # !D<filename> is used to name additional files to search for functions # exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL. NOT USED ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! # !F<filename> <function [functions...]> is replaced by the # documentation, in <filename>, for the functions listed. # !P<filename> <section title> is replaced by the contents of the DOC: # section titled <section title> from <filename>. # Spaces are allowed in <section title>; do not quote the <section title>. # !C<filename> is replaced by nothing, but makes the tools check that # all DOC: sections and documented functions, symbols, etc. are used. # This makes sense to use when you use !F/!P only and want to verify tag = XMLTag.rstTemplate_tag injBlock = True rstMarkup = """ .. kernel-doc:: %(fname)s %(options)s """
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.op = node.get("op") ctx.fname = node.get("fname") ctx.args = node.get("args") ctx.options = " :man-sect: 9\n" if ctx.op == "E": ctx.options += " :export:\n" if ctx.op == "I": ctx.options += " :internal:\n" if ctx.op == "F": ctx.options += " :functions: %s\n" % ctx.args if ctx.op == "P": ctx.options += " :doc: %s\n" % ctx.args return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) rst = self.rstMarkup if ctx.op in ["C", "D"]: rst = "\n\n.. NOT SUPPORTED: '!%(op)s%(fname)s %(args)s'\n\n" retVal = rst % ctx return retVal
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class ReSTInclude(XMLTag): # ============================================================================== tag = XMLTag.rstInclude_tag breakFlag = False injBlock = True rstBlock = " " rstMarkup = """ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 %(entries)s """
[docs] def applyFilter(self, node, rstPrefix): if not self.parseData.parseIncludes: folder = FSPath(self.parseData.folder) thisFile = folder / self.parseData.fname inclFile = folder / FSPath(node.get("fname"))"INFO: <rstInclude fname='%s'> will not be parsed!" % inclFile.relpath(thisFile.DIRNAME)) else: folder = FSPath(self.parseData.folder) inFile = FSPath(node.get("fname")).suffix(self.parseData.fname.SUFFIX) outFile = inFile.suffix(self.parseData.outFile.SUFFIX) xmlFilter = XMLTag() xmlFilter.parseData.update(self.parseData)"parsing: <rstInclude fname='%s'>" % inFile) filterXML(folder, inFile, outFile, xmlFilter = xmlFilter, parseIncludes = True ) # insert rst toctree directive super().applyFilter(node, rstPrefix)
[docs] def get_toctree_entry(self, node): folder = FSPath(self.parseData.folder) thisFile = folder / self.parseData.fname inclFile = folder / FSPath(node.get("fname")) toctree = self.rstBlock + str(inclFile.relpath(thisFile.DIRNAME).SKIPSUFFIX) return toctree
[docs] def getContext(self, node): ctx = super().getContext(node) ctx.entries = [] nextNode = node while (nextNode is not None and nextNode.tag == self.rstInclude_tag and nextNode.get("ignoreToctree") is None): ctx.entries.append(self.get_toctree_entry(nextNode)) nextNode.set("ignoreToctree", "True") nextNode = nextNode.getnext() while isinstance(nextNode, etree._Comment): # pylint: disable=E1101, W0212 nextNode = nextNode.getnext() ctx.entries = "\n".join(ctx.entries) # pylint: disable=R0204 return ctx
[docs] def replaceText(self, node, rstPrefix): ctx = self.getContext(node) if ctx.entries: return self.rstMarkup % ctx else: return None