Source code for linuxdoc.kfigure

# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-docstring, too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
scalable figure and image handling

Sphinx extension which implements scalable image handling.
User documentation see :ref:`kfigure`

import os
import pathlib
from os import path
import subprocess
from hashlib import sha1
import logging

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import images

from sphinx.util.nodes import clean_astext
from six import iteritems

__version__  = '3.0'

app_log = logging.getLogger('application')

# simple helper
# -------------

[docs] def which(cmd): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Searches the ``cmd`` in the ``PATH`` environment. This *which* searches the PATH for executable ``cmd`` . First match is returned, if nothing is found, ``None`` is returned. """ envpath = os.environ.get('PATH', None) or os.defpath for folder in envpath.split(os.pathsep): fname = folder + os.sep + cmd if path.isfile(fname): return fname
[docs] def mkdir(folder, mode=0o775): if not path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder, mode)
[docs] def file2literal(fname): with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as src: data = node = nodes.literal_block(data, data) return node
[docs] def isNewer(path1, path2): """Returns True if ``path1`` is newer than ``path2`` If ``path1`` exists and is newer than ``path2`` the function returns ``True`` is returned otherwise ``False`` """ return (path.exists(path1) and os.stat(path1).st_ctime > os.stat(path2).st_ctime)
[docs] def pass_handle(self, node): # pylint: disable=unused-argument pass
# setup conversion tools and sphinx extension # ------------------------------------------- # Graphviz's dot(1) support dot_cmd = None # ImageMagick' convert(1) support convert_cmd = None
[docs] def setup(app): # check toolchain first app.connect('builder-inited', setupTools) # image handling app.add_directive("kernel-image", KernelImage) app.add_node(kernel_image, html = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), latex = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), texinfo = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), text = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), man = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), ) # figure handling app.add_directive("kernel-figure", KernelFigure) app.add_node(kernel_figure, html = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), latex = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), texinfo = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), text = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), man = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), ) # render handling app.add_directive('kernel-render', KernelRender) app.add_node(kernel_render, html = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), latex = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), texinfo = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), text = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), man = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), ) app.connect('doctree-read', add_kernel_figure_to_std_domain) return dict( version = __version__, parallel_read_safe = True, parallel_write_safe = True )
[docs] def setupTools(app): # pylint: disable=unused-argument u""" Check available build tools and log some *verbose* messages. This function is called once, when the builder is initiated. """ global dot_cmd, convert_cmd # pylint: disable=global-statement # pylint: disable=deprecated-method"kfigure: check installed tools ...") dot_cmd = which('dot') convert_cmd = which('convert') if dot_cmd:"use dot(1) from: %s", dot_cmd) else: app_log.warn("dot(1) not found, for better output quality install " "graphviz from") if convert_cmd:"use convert(1) from: %s", convert_cmd) else: app_log.warn( "convert(1) not found, for SVG to PDF conversion install " "ImageMagick (")
# integrate conversion tools # -------------------------- RENDER_MARKUP_EXT = { # The '.ext' must be handled by convert_image(..) function's *in_ext* input. # <name> : <.ext> 'DOT' : '.dot', 'SVG' : '.svg' }
[docs] def convert_image(img_node, translator, src_fname=None): """Convert a image node for the builder. Different builder prefer different image formats, e.g. *latex* builder prefer PDF while *html* builder prefer SVG format for images. This function handles output image formats in dependence of source the format (of the image) and the translator's output format. """ app = fname, in_ext = path.splitext(path.basename(img_node['uri'])) if src_fname is None: src_fname = path.join(translator.builder.srcdir, img_node['uri']) if not path.exists(src_fname): src_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, img_node['uri']) dst_fname = None # in kernel builds, use 'make SPHINXOPTS=-v' to see verbose messages'assert best format for: %s', img_node['uri']) if in_ext == '.dot': if not dot_cmd:"dot from graphviz not available / include DOT raw.") img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname)) elif translator.builder.format == 'latex': dst_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, fname + '.pdf') img_node['uri'] = fname + '.pdf' img_node['candidates'] = {'*': fname + '.pdf'} elif translator.builder.format == 'html': dst_fname = path.join( translator.builder.outdir, translator.builder.imagedir, fname + '.svg') img_node['uri'] = path.join( translator.builder.imgpath, fname + '.svg') img_node['candidates'] = { '*': path.join(translator.builder.imgpath, fname + '.svg')} else: # all other builder formats will include DOT as raw img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname)) elif in_ext == '.svg': if translator.builder.format == 'latex': if convert_cmd is None:"no SVG to PDF conversion available / include SVG raw.") img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname)) else: dst_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, fname + '.pdf') img_node['uri'] = fname + '.pdf' img_node['candidates'] = {'*': fname + '.pdf'} if dst_fname: # the builder needs not to copy one more time, so pop it if exists. translator.builder.images.pop(img_node['uri'], None) _name = pathlib.Path(dst_fname).relative_to(translator.builder.outdir) if isNewer(dst_fname, src_fname):"convert: {out}/%s already exists and is newer", _name) else: ok = False mkdir(path.dirname(dst_fname)) if in_ext == '.dot':'convert DOT to: {out}/%s', _name) ok = dot2format(app, src_fname, dst_fname) elif in_ext == '.svg':'convert SVG to: {out}/%s', _name) ok = svg2pdf(app, src_fname, dst_fname) if not ok: img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname))
[docs] def dot2format(app, dot_fname, out_fname): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Converts DOT file to ``out_fname`` using ``dot(1)``. * ``dot_fname`` pathname of the input DOT file, including extension ``.dot`` * ``out_fname`` pathname of the output file, including format extension The *format extension* depends on the ``dot`` command (see ``man dot`` option ``-Txxx``). Normally you will use one of the following extensions: - ``.ps`` for PostScript, - ``.svg`` or ``svgz`` for Structured Vector Graphics, - ``.fig`` for XFIG graphics and - ``.png`` or ``gif`` for common bitmap graphics. """ out_format = path.splitext(out_fname)[1][1:] cmd = [dot_cmd, '-T%s' % out_format, dot_fname] exit_code = 42 with open(out_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out: exit_code =, stdout = out) if exit_code != 0: # pylint: disable=deprecated-method app_log.warn("Error #%d when calling: %s", exit_code, " ".join(cmd)) return bool(exit_code == 0)
[docs] def svg2pdf(app, svg_fname, pdf_fname): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Converts SVG to PDF with ``convert(1)`` command. Uses ``convert(1)`` from ImageMagick ( for conversion. Returns ``True`` on success and ``False`` if an error occurred. * ``svg_fname`` pathname of the input SVG file with extension (``.svg``) * ``pdf_name`` pathname of the output PDF file with extension (``.pdf``) """ cmd = [convert_cmd, svg_fname, pdf_fname] # use stdout and stderr from parent exit_code = if exit_code != 0: # pylint: disable=deprecated-method app_log.warn("Error #%d when calling: %s", exit_code, " ".join(cmd)) return bool(exit_code == 0)
# image handling # ---------------------
[docs] def visit_kernel_image(self, node): """Visitor of the ``kernel_image`` Node. Handles the ``image`` child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``. """ img_node = node[0] convert_image(img_node, self)
[docs] class kernel_image(nodes.image): """Node for ``kernel-image`` directive.""" pass
[docs] class KernelImage(images.Image): u"""KernelImage directive Earns everything from ``.. image::`` directive, except *remote URI* and *glob* pattern. The KernelImage wraps a image node into a kernel_image node. See ``visit_kernel_image``. """
[docs] def run(self): uri = self.arguments[0] if uri.endswith('.*') or uri.find('://') != -1: raise self.severe( 'Error in "%s: %s": glob pattern and remote images are not allowed' % (, uri)) result = if len(result) == 2 or isinstance(result[0], nodes.system_message): return result (image_node,) = result # wrap image node into a kernel_image node / see visitors node = kernel_image('', image_node) return [node]
# figure handling # ---------------------
[docs] def visit_kernel_figure(self, node): """Visitor of the ``kernel_figure`` Node. Handles the ``image`` child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``. """ img_node = node[0][0] convert_image(img_node, self)
[docs] class kernel_figure(nodes.figure): """Node for ``kernel-figure`` directive."""
[docs] class KernelFigure(images.Figure): u"""KernelImage directive Earns everything from ``.. figure::`` directive, except *remote URI* and *glob* pattern. The KernelFigure wraps a figure node into a kernel_figure node. See ``visit_kernel_figure``. """
[docs] def run(self): uri = self.arguments[0] if uri.endswith('.*') or uri.find('://') != -1: raise self.severe( 'Error in "%s: %s":' ' glob pattern and remote images are not allowed' % (, uri)) result = if len(result) == 2 or isinstance(result[0], nodes.system_message): return result (figure_node,) = result # wrap figure node into a kernel_figure node / see visitors node = kernel_figure('', figure_node) return [node]
# render handling # ---------------------
[docs] def visit_kernel_render(self, node): """Visitor of the ``kernel_render`` Node. If rendering tools available, save the markup of the ``literal_block`` child node into a file and replace the ``literal_block`` node with a new created ``image`` node, pointing to the saved markup file. Afterwards, handle the image child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``. """ srclang = node.get('srclang')'visit kernel-render node lang: "%s"', srclang) tmp_ext = RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.get(srclang, None) if tmp_ext is None: app_log.warning('kernel-render: "%s" unknown / include raw', srclang) return if not dot_cmd and tmp_ext == '.dot':"dot from graphviz not available / include raw.") return literal_block = node[0] code = literal_block.astext() hashobj = code.encode('utf-8') # str(node.attributes) fname = path.join('%s-%s' % (srclang, sha1(hashobj).hexdigest())) tmp_fname = path.join( self.builder.outdir, self.builder.imagedir, fname + tmp_ext) if not path.isfile(tmp_fname): mkdir(path.dirname(tmp_fname)) with open(tmp_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out: out.write(code) img_node = nodes.image(node.rawsource, **node.attributes) img_node['uri'] = path.join(self.builder.imgpath, fname + tmp_ext) img_node['candidates'] = { '*': path.join(self.builder.imgpath, fname + tmp_ext)} literal_block.replace_self(img_node) convert_image(img_node, self, tmp_fname)
[docs] class kernel_render(nodes.General, nodes.Inline, nodes.Element): """Node for ``kernel-render`` directive.""" pass
[docs] class KernelRender(images.Figure): u"""KernelRender directive Render content by external tool. Has all the options known from the *figure* directive, plus option ``caption``. If ``caption`` has a value, a figure node with the *caption* is inserted. If not, a image node is inserted. The KernelRender directive wraps the text of the directive into a literal_block node and wraps it into a kernel_render node. See ``visit_kernel_render``. """ has_content = True required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = False # earn options from 'figure' option_spec = images.Figure.option_spec.copy() option_spec['caption'] = directives.unchanged
[docs] def run(self): return [self.build_node()]
[docs] def build_node(self): srclang = self.arguments[0].strip() if srclang not in RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.keys(): return [self.state_machine.reporter.warning( 'Unknown source language "%s", use one of: %s.' % ( srclang, ",".join(RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.keys())), line=self.lineno)] code = '\n'.join(self.content) if not code.strip(): return [self.state_machine.reporter.warning( 'Ignoring "%s" directive without content.' % (, line=self.lineno)] node = kernel_render() node['alt'] = self.options.get('alt','') node['srclang'] = srclang literal_node = nodes.literal_block(code, code) node += literal_node caption = self.options.get('caption') if caption: # parse caption's content parsed = nodes.Element() self.state.nested_parse( ViewList([caption], source=''), self.content_offset, parsed) caption_node = nodes.caption( parsed[0].rawsource, '', *parsed[0].children) caption_node.source = parsed[0].source caption_node.line = parsed[0].line figure_node = nodes.figure('', node) for k,v in self.options.items(): figure_node[k] = v figure_node += caption_node node = figure_node return node
[docs] def add_kernel_figure_to_std_domain(app, doctree): """Add kernel-figure anchors to 'std' domain. The ``StandardDomain.process_doc(..)`` method does not know how to resolve the caption (label) of ``kernel-figure`` directive (it only knows about standard nodes, e.g. table, figure etc.). Without any additional handling this will result in a 'undefined label' for kernel-figures. This handle adds labels of kernel-figure to the 'std' domain labels. """ std =["std"] docname = app.env.docname labels =["labels"] for name, explicit in iteritems(doctree.nametypes): if not explicit: continue labelid = doctree.nameids[name] if labelid is None: continue node = doctree.ids[labelid] if node.tagname == 'kernel_figure': for n in node.next_node(): if n.tagname == 'caption': sectname = clean_astext(n) # add label to std domain labels[name] = docname, labelid, sectname break