Source code for searx.botdetection.link_token

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Method ``link_token``

The ``link_token`` method evaluates a request as :py:obj:`suspicious
<is_suspicious>` if the URL ``/client<token>.css`` is not requested by the
client.  By adding a random component (the token) in the URL, a bot can not send
a ping by request a static URL.

.. note::

   This method requires a redis DB and needs a HTTP X-Forwarded-For_ header.

To get in use of this method a flask URL route needs to be added:

.. code:: python

   @app.route('/client<token>.css', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
   def client_token(token=None):, token)
       return Response('', mimetype='text/css')

And in the HTML template from flask a stylesheet link is needed (the value of
``link_token`` comes from :py:obj:`get_token`):

.. code:: html

   <link rel="stylesheet"
         href="{{ url_for('client_token', token=link_token) }}"
         type="text/css" >

.. _X-Forwarded-For:

from __future__ import annotations
from ipaddress import (

import string
import random
import flask

from searx import logger
from searx import redisdb
from searx.redislib import secret_hash

from ._helpers import (

"""Livetime (sec) of limiter's CSS token."""

"""Livetime (sec) of the ping-key from a client (request)"""

"""Prefix of all ping-keys generated by :py:obj:`get_ping_key`"""

TOKEN_KEY = 'SearXNG_limiter.token'
"""Key for which the current token is stored in the DB"""

logger = logger.getChild('botdetection.link_token')

[docs] def is_suspicious(network: IPv4Network | IPv6Network, request: flask.Request, renew: bool = False): """Checks whether a valid ping is exists for this (client) network, if not this request is rated as *suspicious*. If a valid ping exists and argument ``renew`` is ``True`` the expire time of this ping is reset to :py:obj:`PING_LIVE_TIME`. """ redis_client = redisdb.client() if not redis_client: return False ping_key = get_ping_key(network, request) if not redis_client.get(ping_key):"missing ping (IP: %s) / request: %s", network.compressed, ping_key) return True if renew: redis_client.set(ping_key, 1, ex=PING_LIVE_TIME) logger.debug("found ping for (client) network %s -> %s", network.compressed, ping_key) return False
[docs] def ping(request: flask.Request, token: str): """This function is called by a request to URL ``/client<token>.css``. If ``token`` is valid a :py:obj:`PING_KEY` for the client is stored in the DB. The expire time of this ping-key is :py:obj:`PING_LIVE_TIME`. """ from . import redis_client, cfg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, cyclic-import if not redis_client: return if not token_is_valid(token): return real_ip = ip_address(get_real_ip(request)) network = get_network(real_ip, cfg) ping_key = get_ping_key(network, request) logger.debug("store ping_key for (client) network %s (IP %s) -> %s", network.compressed, real_ip, ping_key) redis_client.set(ping_key, 1, ex=PING_LIVE_TIME)
[docs] def get_ping_key(network: IPv4Network | IPv6Network, request: flask.Request) -> str: """Generates a hashed key that fits (more or less) to a *WEB-browser session* in a network.""" return ( PING_KEY + "[" + secret_hash( network.compressed + request.headers.get('Accept-Language', '') + request.headers.get('User-Agent', '') ) + "]" )
def token_is_valid(token) -> bool: valid = token == get_token() logger.debug("token is valid --> %s", valid) return valid
[docs] def get_token() -> str: """Returns current token. If there is no currently active token a new token is generated randomly and stored in the redis DB. - :py:obj:`TOKEN_LIVE_TIME` - :py:obj:`TOKEN_KEY` """ redis_client = redisdb.client() if not redis_client: # This function is also called when limiter is inactive / no redis DB # (see render function in return '12345678' token = redis_client.get(TOKEN_KEY) if token: token = token.decode('UTF-8') else: token = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) redis_client.set(TOKEN_KEY, token, ex=TOKEN_LIVE_TIME) return token