Hostnames plugin

In addition to rewriting/replace reslut URLs, the hoostnames plugin offers other features.


The ‘Hostnames plugin’ from PR-3463 is a rewrite of the ‘Hostname replace’ plugin. Backwards compatibility is guaranteed for a transitional period, but this will end soon.

To maintainers of SearXNG instances, please modify your old plugin config to the new.

  • hostnames.replace: A mapping of regular expressions to hostnames to be replaced by other hostnames.

  • hostnames.remove: A list of regular expressions of the hostnames whose results should be taken from the results list.

  • hostnames.high_priority: A list of regular expressions for hostnames whose result should be given higher priority. The results from these hosts are arranged higher in the results list.

  • hostnames.lower_priority: A list of regular expressions for hostnames whose result should be given lower priority. The results from these hosts are arranged lower in the results list.

Alternatively, a file name can also be specified for the mappings or lists:

  replace: 'rewrite-hosts.yml'
    - '(.*\.)?$'
    - '(.*\.)?google(\..*)?$'
    - '(.*\.)?$'

The rewrite-hosts.yml from the example above must be in the folder in which the settings.yml file is already located (/etc/searxng). The file then only contains the lists or the mapping tables without further information on the namespaces. In the example above, this would be a mapping table that looks something like this:

'(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': ''
'(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': ''