LinuxDoc HowTo

As you might already noticed, the LinuxDoc project has a focus on kernel-doc. Most of the documentation you will find here deal with this markup, its syntax, use-cases and tools. But that’s not all, read on to find out more about the tools that are also available.

About “LinuxDoc”

The LinuxDoc project was founded at the time where the linux Kernel migrates its documentation from XML-DocBook to the plain text format reST (OT: if interested LWN article #692704 and LWN article #692705). In that context we also touched other topics. To name just two; the “Scalable figure and image handling” and the “diff friendly table markup”. All these and more topics are dealing with the same parent topic: The various aspects of documenting software developments and are incorporated into the LinuxDoc project.


other topics

At least some handy links about reST and the Sphinx markup constructs: