kernel-doc Test¶
Wtihin this section you will find some LinuxDoc HowTo tests and examples for common use cases. The kernel-doc comments are taken from the source files source all-in-a-tumble.c and source all-in-a-tumble.h.
DOC sections¶
For a very simple example we use this DOC section from source all-in-a-tumble.h:
* DOC: lorem ipsum
* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor
* incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
* nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi
* consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
* eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident,
* sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
To insert content with heading use:
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:doc: lorem ipsum
:module: test
With the module name test
the title can be linked with:
Here is a link to DOC: :ref:`test.lorem-ipsum`
Here is a link to DOC lorem ipsum …
DOC section with header
lorem ipsum¶
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
option :no-header:
To insert just the content, without the header use option :no-header::
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:doc: lorem ipsum
DOC section without header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
multiple DOC sections¶
Its always recommended to separate different DOC sections in different comments. Nevertheless, a few tests are to be carried out here with it. The DOC section tests are based on this comment:
* DOC: Theory of Operation
* The whizbang foobar is a dilly of a gizmo. It can do whatever you
* want it to do, at any time. It reads your mind. Here's how it works.
* foo bar splat
* -------------
* The only drawback to this gizmo is that it can sometimes damage hardware,
* software, or its subject(s).
* DOC: multiple DOC sections
* It's not recommended to place more than one "DOC:" section in the same
* comment block. To insert a new "DOC:" section, create a new comment block and
* to create a sub-section use the reST markup for headings, see documentation
* of function rst_mode()
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:doc: Theory of Operation
DOC section
The whizbang foobar is a dilly of a gizmo. It can do whatever you want it to do, at any time. It reads your mind. Here’s how it works.
foo bar splat¶
The only drawback to this gizmo is that it can sometimes damage hardware, software, or its subject(s).
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:doc: multiple DOC sections
DOC section
multiple DOC sections¶
It’s not recommended to place more than one “DOC:” section in the same
comment block. To insert a new “DOC:” section, create a new comment block and
to create a sub-section use the reST markup for headings, see documentation
of function rst_mode()
option :man-sect:
In the option :export: example, we can add a :man-sect: 2
option, to
generate man pages with the kernel-doc-man builder for all
exported symbols. The usage is:
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:export: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:module: test
:man-sect: 2
In the file we set man_pages and kernel_doc_mansect:
kernel_doc_mansect = None
man_pages = [ ]
To place and gzip the manuals in dist/docs/man
Folder see
kernel-doc-man Builder.
You can include the man-page as a download item in your HTML like this (relative build path is needed):
:download:`user_function.2.gz <../../dist/docs/man/user_function.2.gz>`
download directive
Or just set a link to the man page file (relative HTML URL is needed)
hyperlink to: `user_function.2.gz <../man/user_function.2.gz>`_
link man folder /man
hyperlink to: user_function.2.gz
To view a (downloaded) man-page use:
$ man ~/Downloads/user_function.2.gz
exported symbols¶
option :export:
In the source all-in-a-tumble.h header file we export:
int user_function(int a, ...)
The documentation of the exported symbols is in source all-in-a-tumble.c. To gather exports from source all-in-a-tumble.h and source all-in-a-tumble.c and parses comments from source all-in-a-tumble.c use kernel-doc options:
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:export: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:module: test
exported symbols
int user_function(int a, ...)¶
function that can only be called in user context
- Parameters:
a (int) – some argument
ellipsis (ellipsis) – ellipsis operator
This function makes no sense, it’s only a kernel-doc demonstration.
x = user_function(22);
Returns first argument
options :export:, :exp-method:, :exp-ids:
This test gathers function from source all-in-a-tumble.c whose function attributes mark them as exported:
* user_sum() - another function that can only be called in user context
* @a: first argument
* @b: second argument
* This function makes no sense, it's only a kernel-doc demonstration.
* Example:
* x = user_sum(1, 2);
* Return:
* Returns the sum of the @a and @b
int user_sum(int a, int b)
return a + b;
and that are present in source all-in-a-tumble.h:
int user_sum(int a, int b);
To insert the documentation use:
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:export: ./all-in-a-tumble.h
:exp-method: attribute
:exp-ids: API_EXPORTED
:module: test.fnattrs
The exp-method
and exp-ids
could be respectively omitted if
and kernel_doc_exp_ids
are set in the sphinx
exported symbols
int user_sum(int a, int b)¶
another function that can only be called in user context
- Parameters:
a (int) – first argument
b (int) – second argument
This function makes no sense, it’s only a kernel-doc demonstration.
x = user_sum(1, 2);
Returns the sum of the a
and b
option :internal:
Include documentation of all documented definitions, not exported. This test gathers exports from test_internals.h and test_internals.c and parses comments from test_internals.c, from where only the not exported definitions are used in the reST output.
The both examples below also demonstrate that it is not good to mix the
export methods (:exp-method: [macro|attribute]
) in one source
. Only one methode can be used by the :internal:
option to identfy a symbol to be exported.
From :test_internals.h
int foo(int a, ...)
From test_internals.c
* foo() - function that can only be called in user context
* @a: some argument
* @...: ellipsis operator
* This function makes no sense, it's only a kernel-doc demonstration.
* Example:
* x = foo(42);
* Return:
* Returns first argument
int foo(int a, ...)
return a;
From test_internals.c
* bar() - function that can only be called in user context
* @a: some argument
* @...: ellipsis operator
* This function makes no sense, it's only a kernel-doc demonstration.
* Example:
* x = bar(42);
* Return:
* Returns first argument
API_EXP int bar(int a, ...)
return a;
From test_internals.h
int bar(int a, int b);
.. kernel-doc:: ./test_internals.c
:internal: ./test_internals.h
:module: test_internals_A
:exp-method: macro
:exp-ids: EXP_SYMB
:known-attrs: API_EXP
Its not good to mix exp-method
, the know-attrs
here is needed to
avoid the Sphinx warning:
./test_internals.c:24: WARNING: Error in declarator or parameters
Invalid C declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: int [error at 11]
API_EXP int bar(int a, ...)
internal symbols (when exp-method is macro
int bar(int a, ...)¶
function that can only be called in user context
- Parameters:
a (int) – some argument
ellipsis (ellipsis) – ellipsis operator
This function makes no sense, it’s only a kernel-doc demonstration.
x = bar(42);
Returns first argument
int internal_function(void)¶
the answer
- Parameters:
void – no arguments
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
.. kernel-doc:: ./test_internals.c
:internal: ./test_internals.h
:module: test_internals_B
:exp-method: attribute
:exp-ids: API_EXP
internal symbols (when exp-method is attribute
int foo(int a, ...)¶
function that can only be called in user context
- Parameters:
a (int) – some argument
ellipsis (ellipsis) – ellipsis operator
This function makes no sense, it’s only a kernel-doc demonstration.
x = foo(42);
Returns first argument
int internal_function(void)¶
the answer
- Parameters:
void – no arguments
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
Missing exports¶
In the next test, the :export: {file glob pattern}
is used, but it does not
match any file, or there are no exports in the matching files. Whatever, an
empty list of exported symbols is treated as an error:
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:export: ./match_files_without_exports*
missing exports
Oops: Document generation inconsistency.
The template for this document tried to insert structured comment at this point, but an error occoured. This dummy section is inserted to allow generation to continue.:
/share/linuxdoc/docs/linuxdoc-howto/kernel-doc-tests.rst:352: (ERROR/3) using option :export: but there are no exported symbols
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:export: ./match_files_without_exports*
SYSCALL macro¶
In the Kernel’s source is a macro: SYSCALL_DEFINEn(). By example:
* sys_tgkill - send signal to one specific thread
* @tgid: the thread group ID of the thread
* @pid: the PID of the thread
* @sig: signal to be sent
* This syscall also checks the @tgid and returns -ESRCH even if the PID
* exists but it's not belonging to the target process anymore. This
* method solves the problem of threads exiting and PIDs getting reused.
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(tgkill, pid_t, tgid, pid_t, pid, int, sig)
.. kernel-doc:: ./all-in-a-tumble.c
:symbols: sys_tgkill
missing exports
long sys_tgkill(pid_t tgid, pid_t pid, int sig)¶
send signal to one specific thread
- Parameters:
tgid (pid_t) – the thread group ID of the thread
pid (pid_t) – the PID of the thread
sig (int) – signal to be sent
This syscall also checks the
and returns -ESRCH even if the PID exists but it’s not belonging to the target process anymore. This method solves the problem of threads exiting and PIDs getting reused.