Source code for linuxdoc.autodoc

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

Implementation of the ``linuxdoc.autodoc`` command.

:copyright:  Copyright (C) 2023 Markus Heiser
:license:    AGPL-3.0-or-later; see LICENSE for details.

The command ``linuxdoc.autodoc`` extracts the kernel-doc comments from the
source code and uses them to create documentation of the source code in the reST

    $ linuxdoc.autodoc --help


import sys
import argparse
import multiprocessing

import six

from fspath import FSPath
from . import kernel_doc as kerneldoc
from .kernel_doc import Container

CMD = None

MSG    = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("INFO : %s\n" % msg)
ERR    = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("ERROR: %s\n" % msg)
FATAL  = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("FATAL: %s\n" % msg)

.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-


.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1


EPILOG = """This command uses the kernel-doc parser from the linuxdoc Sphinx
extension, for details see:"""

DESCRIPTION = """The linuxdoc.autodoc tool can be used to generate documentation
in the reST markup from the kernel-doc markup comments in the source files.
This tool can be used to create an analogous document structure in reST markup
from the folder structure of the source code.  """

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def main(): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ global CMD # pylint: disable=global-statement cli = get_cli() CMD = cli.parse_args() if not CMD.srctree.EXISTS: ERR("%s does not exists." % CMD.srctree) sys.exit(42) if not CMD.srctree.ISDIR: ERR("%s is not a folder." % CMD.srctree) sys.exit(42) if not CMD.force and CMD.doctree.EXISTS: ERR("%s is in the way, remove it first" % CMD.doctree) sys.exit(42) if CMD.markup == "kernel-doc" and CMD.rst_files: CMD.rst_files = CMD.rst_files.readFile().splitlines() else: CMD.rst_files = [] if CMD.threads > 1: # pylint: disable=consider-using-with pool = multiprocessing.Pool(CMD.threads), gather_filenames(CMD)) pool.close() pool.join() else: for fname in gather_filenames(CMD): autodoc_file(fname) insert_index_files(CMD.doctree)
[docs] def get_cli(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = DESCRIPTION , epilog = EPILOG , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) cli.add_argument( "srctree" , help = "Folder of source code." , type = lambda x: FSPath(x).ABSPATH ) cli.add_argument( "doctree" , help = "Folder to place reST documentation." , type = lambda x: FSPath(x).ABSPATH ) cli.add_argument( "--sloppy" , action = "store_true" , help = "Sloppy comment check, reports only severe errors." ) cli.add_argument( "--force" , action = "store_true" , help = "Don't stop if doctree exists." ) cli.add_argument( "--threads" , type = int , default = multiprocessing.cpu_count() , help = "Use up to n threads." ) cli.add_argument( "--markup" , choices = ["reST", "kernel-doc"] , default = "reST" , help = ( "Markup of the comments. Change this option only if you know what" " you do and make use of --rst-files if you also have some files in" " your source tree with reST markup. The markup of new comments must" " be reST!" ) ) cli.add_argument( "--rst-files" , type = lambda x: FSPath(x).ABSPATH , help = ( "File that list source files, which has comments in reST markup." " Use linuxdoc.grepdoc command to generate those file." ) ) return cli
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def gather_filenames(cmd): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "yield .c & .h filenames" for fname in cmd.srctree.reMatchFind(r"^.*\.[ch]$"): yield fname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def autodoc_file(fname): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "generate documentation from fname" fname = fname.relpath(CMD.srctree) markup = CMD.markup if CMD.markup == "kernel-doc" and fname in CMD.rst_files: markup = "reST" opts = kerneldoc.ParseOptions( fname = fname , src_tree = CMD.srctree , verbose_warn = not (CMD.sloppy) , use_all_docs = True , markup = markup ) parser = kerneldoc.Parser(opts, kerneldoc.NullTranslator()) try: parser.parse() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except FATAL("kernel-doc markup of %s seems buggy / can't parse" % opts.fname) return if not parser.ctx.dump_storage: # no kernel-doc comments found MSG("parsed: NONE comments: %s" % opts.fname) return MSG("parsed: %4d comments: %s" % (len(parser.ctx.dump_storage), opts.fname)) try: rst = six.StringIO() translator = kerneldoc.ReSTTranslator() opts.out = rst # First try to output reST, this might fail, because the kernel-doc # parser part is to tollerant ("bad lines", "function name and function # declaration are different", etc ...). parser.parse_dump_storage(translator=translator) out_file = CMD.doctree / fname.replace(".","_") + ".rst" out_file.DIRNAME.makedirs() with out_file.openTextFile(mode="w") as out: out.write(rst.getvalue()) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except FATAL("kernel-doc markup of %s seems buggy / can't parse" % opts.fname) return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def insert_index_files(root_folder): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "From root_folder traverse over subfolders and generate all index.rst files " for folder, dirnames, filenames in root_folder.walk(): ctx = Container( title = folder.FILENAME ) dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() index_file = folder / "index.rst" MSG("create index: %s" % index_file) with index_file.openTextFile(mode="w") as index: index.write(TEMPLATE_INDEX % ctx) for _d in dirnames: index.write(" %s/index\n" % _d.FILENAME) for _f in filenames: if _f.FILENAME == "index": continue index.write(" %s\n" % _f.FILENAME)