Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

Implementation of the ```` command.

:copyright:  Copyright (C) 2023 Markus Heiser
:license:    AGPL-3.0-or-later; see LICENSE for details.

The ```` command parses kernel-doc comments from source code and
print the reST to stdout::

    $ --help


from fspath import FSPath
import argparse
from . import kernel_doc

CMD = None

EPILOG = """This command uses the kernel-doc parser from the linuxdoc Sphinx
extension, for details see:"""

DESCRIPTION = """ The command converts the kernel-doc markup
comments in the source code files to reST markup.  """

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def main(): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ global CMD # pylint: disable=global-statement cli = get_cli() CMD = cli.parse_args() kernel_doc.VERBOSE = CMD.verbose kernel_doc.DEBUG = CMD.debug if CMD.quiet: kernel_doc.STREAM.log_out = kernel_doc.DevNull retVal = 0 src_tree = FSPath.getCWD() for fname in CMD.files: fname = FSPath(fname) translator = kernel_doc.ReSTTranslator() opts = kernel_doc.ParseOptions( fname = fname.relpath(src_tree) , src_tree = src_tree , id_prefix = CMD.id_prefix , skip_preamble = CMD.skip_preamble , skip_epilog = CMD.skip_epilog , out = kernel_doc.STREAM.appl_out , markup = CMD.markup , verbose_warn = not (CMD.sloppy) , exp_method = CMD.symbols_exported_method , exp_ids = CMD.symbols_exported_identifiers , known_attrs = CMD.known_attrs ) opts.set_defaults() if CMD.list_exports or CMD.list_internals: translator = kernel_doc.ListTranslator(CMD.list_exports, CMD.list_internals) opts.gather_context = True elif CMD.use_names: opts.use_names = CMD.use_names elif CMD.exported or CMD.internal: # gather exported symbols ... src = kernel_doc.readFile(opts.fname) ctx = kernel_doc.ParserContext() kernel_doc.Parser.gather_context(src, ctx, opts) opts.error_missing = False opts.use_names = ctx.exported_symbols opts.skip_names = [] if CMD.internal: opts.use_names = [] opts.skip_names = ctx.exported_symbols else: # if non section is choosen by use-name, internal or exclude, then # use all DOC: sections opts.use_all_docs = True parser = kernel_doc.Parser(opts, translator) parser.parse() parser.close() if parser.errors: retVal = 1 return retVal
[docs] def get_cli(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = DESCRIPTION , epilog = EPILOG , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) cli.add_argument( "files" , nargs = "+" , help = "source file(s) to parse." ) cli.add_argument( "--id-prefix" , default = "" , help = ( "A prefix for automatic generated IDs. The IDs are automaticly" " gernerated based on the declaration and/or section names. The" " prefix is also used as namespace in Sphinx's C-domain" ) ) cli.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v" , action = "store_true" , help = "verbose output with log messages to stderr" ) cli.add_argument( "--sloppy" , action = "store_true" , help = "Sloppy linting, reports only severe errors." ) cli.add_argument( "--debug" , action = "store_true" , help = "debug messages to stderr" ) cli.add_argument( "--quiet", "-q" , action = "store_true" , help = "no messages to stderr" ) cli.add_argument( "--skip-preamble" , action = "store_true" , help = "skip preamble in the output" ) cli.add_argument( "--skip-epilog" , action = "store_true" , help = "skip epilog in the output" ) cli.add_argument( "--list-internals" , choices = kernel_doc.Parser.DOC_TYPES + ["all"] , nargs = "+" , help = "List symbols, titles or whatever is documented, but *not* exported." ) cli.add_argument( "--list-exports" , action = "store_true" , help = "List all exported symbols." ) cli.add_argument( "--use-names" , nargs = "+" , help = ( "Print reST markup of functions, structs or whatever title/object" ) ) cli.add_argument( "--exported" , action = "store_true" , help = "Print documentation of all exported symbols." ) cli.add_argument( "--internal" , action = "store_true" , help = ( "Print documentation of all symbols that are documented," " but not exported" ) ) cli.add_argument( "--markup" , choices = ["reST", "kernel-doc"] , default = "reST" , help = ( "Markup of the comments. Change this option only if you know" " what you do. New comments must be marked up with reST!" ) ) cli.add_argument( "--symbols-exported-method" , default = kernel_doc.DEFAULT_EXP_METHOD , help = ( "Indicate the way by which an exported symbol" " is exported. Must be either 'macro' or 'attribute'." ) ) cli.add_argument( "--symbols-exported-identifiers" , nargs = "+" , default = kernel_doc.DEFAULT_EXP_IDS , help = "Identifiers list that specifies an exported symbol." ) cli.add_argument( "--known-attrs" , default = [] , nargs = "+" , help = ( "Provides a list of known attributes that has to be" " hidden when displaying function prototypes" ) ) return cli